Unearthing Eden Mill Whisky: A Conversation with Scott Ferguson
Eden Mill Whisky, is keen on impressing whisky lovers with their exceptional single malt expressions. With a strong commitment to capturing Scotland's rich heritage, each bottle they produce, you can tell carries the essence of artistry and passion. This dedication will hopfully shine through in their new distillery where meticulous use of local ingredients and distillation techniques, will result in whiskies that offer an unparalleled taste experience.
Eden Mill - The Guard Bridge
Wanting to delve deeper into the fascinating world of Eden Mill whisky and craving knowledge about the highly anticipated Distillery, enthusiasts and connoisseurs alike can't help but anticipate the unveiling of this remarkable establishment. With whispers of its innovative distillation techniques and commitment to exceptional quality, the Eden Mill Distillery promises to captivate the senses and redefine the whisky experience. From the carefully selected malted barley to the meticulously crafted casks and the expertise of the distillers like Scott Ferguson, every step of the whisky-making process at Eden Mill is said to be executed to ensure the creation of outstanding drams with unique flavor profiles.
As whisky aficionados, there is an eagerness to uncover the rich history, distillery practices, and their distinctive approach to whisky production and maturation at Eden Mill. With countless questions swirling in their minds, enthusiasts eagerly await the opportunity to explore the depths of this upcoming distillery and its unparalleled offerings, as they continue on their journey of discovery and appreciation for the wonders of whisky.
Read on to learn more about Eden Mill as we chat to head distiller Scott Ferguson.
If you don't mind, for those who don't know you. Could you briefly introduce yourself and the work you do with Eden Mill?
I’m the head distiller with Eden Mill and have worked on whisky and gin production since we started distilling in 2014. Over this time, I’ve been involved in all aspects of spirit creation: from day-to-day distilling to product development and new recipe creation.
What are some of the most crucial characteristics you have that allow you to do what you do, and do you have any advice for somebody who might want to follow in your footsteps?
I’d say love of flavour is up there. Not just restricted to alcoholic products, but how flavours interact and combine is a massive part of building up new products. Enjoying a wide variety of flavours is also really useful.
Do you travel for work? If so, where's the best place you've shared some Eden Mill whisky?
Most of my work takes place in and around our casks and distillation equipment, so the majority of my time is spent in Scotland. However, as a brand, we’re seeing a real appetite for our gin and whisky from global markets, specifically in the US, Asia and mainland Europe so I’m looking forward to some travel to meet these consumers in the near future.
Could you possibly walk us through some of the current Eden Mill range, explain the differences between them, and perhaps share your favourite, expression with us?
It’s an exciting time for the brand from a whisky perspective as we’ve just launched two fantastic new products – a blend and a single malt.
The Guard Bridge is a blended malt made using Highland and Lowland stocks, including Eden Mill single malt, which was then aged in ex-Eden Mill casks. The result is a robust flavour profile which has grassy and floral Lowland notes meshed with that richer, fruitier Highland style. It emulates the house single malt we produce at Eden Mill and has been designed to be enjoyed neat, in a highball or in a whisky serve.
The Art of St Andrews 2023 is the third instalment in the series of artist collaborations. Local artist Jill Calder designed the outer pack and took inspiration from the flora and fauna from around our new distillery site, and St Andrews in general. For the liquid, I wanted to match this artistry with a unique expression and a first for the brand. We used some peated bourbon casks to add some light floral smoke to the dram and balanced this with oloroso and PX hogsheads for some rich sweetness. This was then married in ex Champagne Cognac casks, imparting an incredible array of yellow stone fruit notes.
The Art of St Andrews Collection
Since whisky drinkers and buyers want to know all the details, transparency is crucial in the whisky industry right now. Does Eden Mill employ transparency in any way? If yes, please describe.
I agree, transparency is something that I personally value and we want to be as transparent as possible in our creation process wherever we can. From details on cask supply, fermentation and maturation times, we want to describe what we choose to do and more importantly why. This will be borne out in our new distillery next year, which has sustainability credentials and local sourcing at its heart.
Do you have any issue with bottle flippers, or collectors? Or would you rather the whisky be drunk? Please share your thoughts on this.
Not at all.
The beauty of whisky is that it’s such a wide-reaching category, enjoyed by a wide range of people. For me, personally, the joy is in sharing the experience with friends and family -- which is probably why I’ve never managed to start a collection!
What is it about Eden Mill that makes it stand out from the rest? What, in your opinion, distinguishes the brand from its rivals and makes it more approachable to consumers?
For me, Eden Mill offers a range of high-quality products across both gin and whisky that appeal to a broad variety of consumers, all while retaining a focus on flavour quality at the core of each. Whether you want to sample a neat single malt, trial a banana flavoured blended whisky serve, or to just enjoy a crisp London Dry gin and tonic - Eden Mill can cater to each occasion with a premium spirit.
Do you know any plans or direction for the future are? Can you provide us some inside information? Is there a top-secret project in the works? Do you have any scoops for us?
Less of a secret is our iconic new distillery that’s being built on the banks of the Eden Estuary. I’ll be distilling new spirit and gins from there next year and that will represent a truly special new chapter in the Eden Mill story.
Do you have any hobbies or interests that are unrelated to whisky or other alcoholic beverages? How do you like to unwind?
Whenever I do manage to get time to unwind, typically it’s with a book to relax. A nice read in the evening is ideal – and even better when accompanied by a nice dram!